10 Random Facts About Me

So as we’re still in the ‘Getting to know you’ phase, I’ve constructed 10 facts about myself…so err, enjoy!


  1. mixed grillI’m not sure if this fact counts as random but here we go…I LOVE FOOD, in fact I just demolished a mixed grill before writing this post. I’m slightly food drunk right now.
  2. I’m weirdly superstitious! 3 Drains, Magpies, Cracks in pavement, Ladders, Black cats…Better to be safe than sorry though, right?
  3. Fleetwood Mac are my all time favourite band! My Dad has brought me up listening to their music and I haven’t listened to another band that can compete with them. Flawless…
  4. I’m 100% a people pleaser. I cannot stand upsetting or annoying someone else. I’d happily go without to see another person happy (Cute ay!)
  5. DON’T TOUCH MY FACE. I don’t know why, I don’t know when it started but I have a huge phobia of people putting their dirty mitts on my face.PLEASE
  6. I’ve never met another person with the same name as me. SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE KERRIN’S OUT THERE!
  7. I’m originally from Birmingham but moved to Suffolk when I was two, which is lucky because I don’t understand a bloody word anyone says there. (Only joking Brummies!)
  8. I remember every single dream I have and no word of a lie I have remembered my dreams every day since I can remember! I have a unique subconscious to say the least.
  9. My birthday is 28th September…you know what that means? I could of been of a 1994 New Years Eve mistake. My Dad never did answer my question to that…
  10. LOVE IT OR HATE IT? Oh, I’m a marmite fanatic! Top tip: Marmite roast potatoes, DO IT!


Peace x





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